Details on having your pet neutered
We advise neutering from 4 months for female cats, and 4-6 months for male cats.
Female dogs will usually be spayed at 6 months' old before their first season or 2-3 months after the end of their first season (which could be anywhere from 7-18 months of age depending on the breed and individual).
Male dogs will normally be castrated at around 6-9 months of age but again it depends on the individual - please ask your Vet or Nurse or contact your local practice for advice.
Cats and dogs are just with us for the day, coming in first thing in the morning and going home some time in the afternoon. If you work late, you are welcome to collect your pet later - we can arrange collection until 6:30pm. Dogs and cats will be invited back for a post-operative check 5 days after surgery to check their wounds are healing properly.
Our veterinary surgeons usually use a technique where the external sutures are 'buried' or we use special tissue glue. This means there are not usually sutures sticking out to irritate your pet. Occasionally there are external sutures which are removed 10 days after surgery.
Pain relieving medications given on the day of their operation, post-op checks and suture removal are all included in the price of the operation.
We recommend male rabbits are castrated from around 4 1/2 months' old to protect against unwanted pregnancy and to enable rabbits to be kept in social groups.
Spaying of female rabbits is advised from 5 months to prevent uterine cancer and unwanted pregnancy. It may also help to resolve some behaviour problems. Please contact us for more advice.
For any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact your local practice. Alternatively, you can now book an appointment online by clicking here.